Boise Police Retaliatory Gangstalking Operation Due to My Statement Sports Flag Worship is Being Used to Direct Us Away From the Destruction of Democracy
This post is about what happened about twelve hours after I posted this article linked below about David Haeg being tasered and arrested after being prevented from getting justice or having corruption with the courts and state troopers in Alaska revealed for over a decade. I am being heavily gangstalked which includes harassment, stalking, noise campaigns where I live, illegal retaliation by management staff for complaining about the outrageous things that go on in this building. This is Civic Plaza in Boise Idaho where the management style is Laissez-faire, no action, we don't know anything. It is a low income combo Section 42 and Section 8 property where people who have no idea how to behave live. They make living here difficult for the decent people. There is no other place to go. It appears that over a period of a few days the management and maintenance staff retaliated against me which is illegal and this would be for reporting things like noise campaig...