WMD CST, Idaho National Guard Had An Odd MMS Group Text on My Phone. George Webb Depleted Uranium/Cargo Ships. Co-inky-dinks Aplenty
I wrote this the first part of July and never posted it. I was gangstalked at the Interfaith Sanctuary and then trapped in my storage place which I now believe was not a happy acicdent, but an engineered event to attempt to set me up. Below is a video of just part of the conversation. The complaint about this incident was filed by myself last summer at the Boise Police Oversight office, then crickets. Recently I requested the report which of course will exonerate the cop. He may have been set up by being told lies etc. or he may be part of the whole thing. One way of knowing this was a set up is there were other odd things going on at the storage place and that they promised to post an emergency number. Recently I had to walk by the place and there is no emergency number posted anywhere. This begins the part I wrote last summer. I was homeless and spent lots of time at the library. Right after I would arrive an older man would get up and walk away with his cell phone, th...